
Water & Sewer Tap Permits

Individuals wishing to connect to a Southwest Metropolitan owned water and/or sewer main must first obtain the necessary tap applications and all associated paperwork from the District.

Requests for a tap permits may be made by contacting the District office at 303-979-2333. You may also email your request to the attention of Tayler Newkirk at

Water Stub-in Permits

A permit may be issued by the District for a stub-in in order to allow the installation of a water service pipe prior to the paving of a street. A stub-in shall include a tap, a valve at the property line and all fittings and pipe necessary to extend the service pipe to the valve from the tap on the water main. Use of water from a stub-in is prohibited and any taking of water from a stub-in shall cause the stub-in permit to be revoked.

Permits requests must be received two business days prior to purchasing the permit at the District office, 8739 W. Coal Mine Ave. Ms. Brinkley will contact the requester upon completion of tap paperwork.

Permit fees are due when the permit is purchased. Requesters (or an authorized representative) must sign for and pay for all permits in person at the District office. The District only accepts cash or checks for payment.

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