Water ’22 is a year-long celebration of Colorado’s water, dedicated to the idea that “It all starts here.”
Launched by Governor Polis and Water Education Colorado, Water 22 is a statewide, year-long initiative that implores Coloradans to take an active role in securing the state’s water future.
2022 is a milestone year for water in Colorado.
Among others, it is the 100th anniversary of the Colorado River Compact; the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act; the 20th anniversary of Water Education Colorado; and the year when the 2015 Colorado Water Plan will be updated to continue our long history of ensuring high quality water to support our state’s wide range of water uses and values.
The Water ’22 campaign was created to educate Coloradans about how the state’s water is one of its most important resources and to encourage conservation and protection in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change in Colorado, which has led to persistent drought conditions.
Water ’22 is also focused on including new voices like never before, ensuring the diverse range of Colorado needs and interests can be reflected in the state’s water decision making for more equitable and durable solutions to our water challenges.
No matter what part of the state you live in or what industry you work in or what you like to do in your free time, water connects all Coloradans through shared reliance and appreciation.
Therefore it’s up to all of us to work together and to do our part.
Water ’22 invites you to make a renewed commitment to water stewardship in 2022 by taking the pledge to engage in “22 Ways to Care for Colorado Water in 2022.” This includes taking action to save 22 gallons of water per day while keeping waterways clean. This adds up to 8,000 gallons a year for every Coloradan or 48 million gallons a year across Colorado.