As the assets of the Southwest Metropolitan Water & Sanitation District age, the need for maintenance of existing facilities and replacement of other assets increases. The health and welfare of District residents relies heavily on the District’s ability to deliver safe and clean water and remove wastewater in a reliable, cost effective manner.
In 2014, the District Board of Directors imposed a $1.00 per month water and sewer service surcharge on all District Customers. Prior to 2014, customers did not pay the district for water distribution and wastewater collection services.
Over the past few years, the surcharge has been gradually raised each year to match operating expenses and projected capital expenditures. Currently the surcharge is $7.00 per month per 3/4 inch tap equivalent and is proposed to increase to $8.00 per month effective January 1, 2020.
A public hearing is scheduled for Friday, November 22 at 8:30am (during the regular District board meeting) to discuss the increase of the surcharge.
The District will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the surcharge. Please call us at 303-979-2333.