South Platte Renew treatment plant.

South Platte Renew 4th Annual Grease and Oil Take-Back Event

On Saturday, November 28, 2020, South Platte Renew (SPR) is hosting its 4th Annual Grease and Oil Take-Back event from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at 2900 South Platte River Drive in Englewood.

This event is strategical timed for the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so community members can bring in used oil and grease from their holiday meal to dispose of it properly.

At Thanksgiving time, holiday cooking can leave gallons of unwanted oil and grease to clean up. Drains and pipes are not proper disposal areas and many containers cannot handle the heft of these hot, greasy liquids. Recycling oil is extremely important to maintain a healthy pipe collection system and water renewal facility.

Used cooking oil can congeal, resulting in clogs and blockages in homes as well as in the collection system. Automotive oil in drains can cause dangerous conditions in the collection system and damage useful bacteria at the facility. South Platte Renew (SPR), a wastewater treatment facility in Englewood Colorado, offers a safe, easy and free way to dispose of oil and grease.

Any residents within SPR facility’s service area, which includes the cities of Englewood and Littleton as well as 19 connecting sanitation districts, can drop off their used oil and grease for free at SPR during this event. This year, SPR requires everyone to bring in their donations in disposable containers, to limit contact and encourage social distancing. Residents can drop off up to 10 gallons of food and automotive oil per household for free.

Residents should prepare the oil properly before drop-off. Oil must be separated into different containers and be free of contaminants such as fuels, solvents or water. Cooking oil should be liquid and free of food debris. The facility will not take any oil filters, antifreeze or oil from commercial businesses.

For more information, please contact the South Platte Renew at (303) 762-2600 or e-mail