
Imagine a Day Without Water is October 19


A day without water would be incredibly challenging and disruptive to our daily lives, as water is an essential resource that we often take for granted.


Imagine a Day Without Water is a national education campaign that brings together diverse stakeholders to highlight how water is essential, invaluable, and in need of investment. Imagine a Day Without Water 2023 promotes safe, affordable, and reliable water access for everyone!

55% of voters would pay more to reduce pollution in local waterways

For its ninth annual day, we urge you to take a few steps beyond imagining the reality of going without a resource as vital as water. We would like you to take action by learning about the systems that deliver water to your homes and businesses each day. You can start by reading through the Water Quality Report provided annually by Denver Water.

The water distributed to your home comes from Denver Water and is delivered through the District’s water mains. Your wastewater is collected and transported through the District’s sewer mains to the South Platte Renew wastewater treatment plant that is owned by the cities of Englewood and Littleton.

Take some time to learn about local water sources and what your water and wastewater utilities are doing to invest in your community. Consider joining like-minded people and reach out to decision makers and find where they stand on investing in water infrastructure.

54% of voters would pay more to make drinking water safer and healthier

Each year, the District updates their 10-year Capital Improvement Plan. This Plan provides a framework for the District to be proactive in addressing infrastructure needs by identifying, prioritizing and scheduling water and wastewater rehabilitation and replacement projects over the next ten years.


According to the 2023 Value of Water Index, 85 percent of voters find ensuring a reliable supply of water extremely or very important. Additionally, 55% of voters would pay a modestly increased rate for water services to reduce pollution in local waterways, and 54% would pay a modestly increased rate for water services to make their area’s drinking water safer and healthier.

The above information and graphics were provided by the imagineadaywithoutwater.org and the valueofwater.org campaigns. #ValueWater