drought monitor

Drought Status

According to the U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) that shows the location and intensity of drought across the country, Littleton is in the D0 range which is considered “Abnormally Dry”. Some variables within the D0 range are short-term dryness slowing planting and growth of crops, some lingering water deficits, and pastures or crops not fully recovered. Littleton is part of the 31.4% of the state that is considered abnormally dry.

Drought update for the state of Colorado:

D0 – Abnormally Dry

  • Short-term dryness slowing planting, growth of crops
  • Some lingering water deficits
  • Pastures or crops not fully recovered



D1 – Moderate Drought

  • Some damage to crops, pastures
  • Some water shortages developing
  • Voluntary water-use restrictions requested


D2 – Severe Drought

  • Crop or pasture loss likely
  • Water shortages common
  • Water restrictions imposed


D3 – Extreme Drought

  • Major crop/pasture losses
  • Widespread water shortages or restrictions


D4 – Exceptional Drought

  • Exceptional and widespread crop/pasture losses
  • Shortages of water creating water emergencies


For more information on the drought conditions, visit Drought.gov