State drought conditions as mentioned in the article.

Drought Update

Drought Monitor. Numbers are reflected in the article.

According to the August 27 update from the  National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), 7.3% of the state is currently in the Moderate Drought category, 1.2% is in the Severe Drought category, and 40.6% of Colorado is Abnormally Dry. The map featured above shows the drought conditions on August 26.

As of, August 26 cumulative precipitation in the Colorado River watershed was tracking at 117% of average and the South Platte River watershed was tracking at 101% of average.

Denver Water’s supply reservoir contents as of August 26 are represented in the table below. Reservoir totals are 93% full and were 92% full this time last year.

Denver Water’s summer watering rules will remain in effect until October 1.

ReservoirPercent Full: CurrentPercent Full: Historical Median
Eleven Mile103%102%
Strontia Springs86%93%
Meadow Creek66%76%