
Capital Projects Scheduled for 2021

One water main replacement project is scheduled for construction in the summer of 2021.

The construction contract was awarded to C & L Water Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $160,168. C & L Water Solutions has worked for the District on past capital projects and is the contractor used by the District for emergency water main repairs.

Construction is projected to start in late June or early July. The project involves replacing cast iron pipe that has advanced levels of electrolysis-caused corrosion. More updates on this project will follow once the District receives the construction schedule from the contractor.

2021 Capital Improvement Project:

This project involves a culvert crossing near the Lilley Gulch Regional Trail. As of now, construction plans allow the trail to be unimpeded, but it is possible that once construction starts the trail may need to be diverted for a short period of time. The District will put up signs near the trail closer to construction and post updates on Nextdoor and Facebook.

Communication with residents in the affected subdivisions will be handled via mail, social media, or door-to-door interaction. If your neighborhood is impacted by a District Capital Project, you may request a virtual meeting with your neighbors and district staff to go over the schedule of the project and address any questions or concerns.

If you have questions or concerns pertaining to District projects, please call the main office number at 303-979-2333.