One water main replacement project is scheduled for construction in the summer of 2021. This project went to bid in early February and will be awarded by the end of March.
The Board of Directors approved the 2021-2030 Capital Master Plan (Plan) on September 25, 2020. This Plan allows the District to be proactive in addressing infrastructure needs by identifying, prioritizing and scheduling water and wastewater rehabilitation and replacement projects over the next ten years. Thirteen water facility replacement projects are scheduled for construction between 2022 and 2030.
The project listed below involves replacing cast iron pipe that has advanced levels of electrolysis-caused corrosion.
2021 Capital Improvement Project:
- Holland Way – This project will replace 300 feet of 12-inch cast iron pipe with 12-inch PVC pipe in S. Holland Way between S. Garland Court and W. Arbor Place. This project is located in the Kipling Villas subdivision and includes a culvert crossing.
Due to the rapidly changing state and local policies regarding COVID-19, the District will not conduct in-person Informational Pop-Ups this construction season. Communication with residents in the affected subdivision will be handled via mail, social media, or door-to-door interaction.