One Capital Improvement Project was scheduled for construction in 2021. Southwest Metro Water & Sanitation contracted with C&L Water Solutions to replace the water main in S. Holland Way between S. Garland Court and W. Arbor Place.
Mobilization for this project started on August 2nd and 95% of the pipe has been installed. This project impacted the Lilley Gulch Regional Trail, but remained open throughout the duration of the construction with only partial trail blockage. Prior to construction the District put up “Construction Ahead” signs to warn trail users of the work. It is anticipated that the area will be fully restored by early October.
Communication with residents in the affected subdivisions were handled via mail, social media, or door-to-door interaction. If your neighborhood is impacted by an upcoming District Capital Project, you may request a virtual meeting with your neighbors and district staff to go over the schedule of the project and address any questions or concerns.
If you have questions or concerns pertaining to District projects, please call the main office number at 303-979-2333.