brown grass

Lawn Hibernation

Is my lawn asleep or dead?

A brown lawn does not always mean your lawn is dead; it could just be dormant. Some yellowing may be a sign of a dormant lawn. When your lawn is in hibernation, it shuts down to withstand weather changes as well as conserve water and nutrients.

Grass that is dead, however, will not come back. If there are dry spots, hand-water them rather than over-watering your entire lawn. Small changes can make a big difference when it comes to saving water!

Here are five ways to tell the difference and improve your lawn in the process:

  1. Do a tug test: pull a section of brown grass; if it comes out easily with no resistance, it is dead.
  2. Look for patterns: is it all brown or just in patches?
  3. Pay attention to temperature changes: excessive cold and heat will affect your lawn.
  4. Follow a watering schedule.
  5. Hire a professional to help treat your lawn

Follow the sprinkler times below provided by Live Like You Love It for each month (3 days per week) to keep your lawn healthy without over-watering.


sprinkler times by month

Denver Water’s Outdoor Watering Rules end October 1st.