List of Licensed Contractors

Please check this page before hiring a contractor to ensure that they hold a license with the District.

This page is updated frequently

Contractors that are licensed to operate in the District:


If you do not see your contractor’s name listed above, your contractor must come to the District office located at 8739 W. Coal Mine Ave. to obtain a license.

Licensing requirements can be found here.

A License Application can be found here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the District office at 303-979-2333.

Please note:  The above contractor listings are provided to District customers for informational purposes only.  Names appearing on this page do not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Southwest Metropolitan Water and Sanitation District or any of its employees or Directors.  Southwest Metropolitan Water and Sanitation District cannot warrant, or guarantee the products, services or information the above listed contractors may provide.

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