Water faucet with little flow.

Average Winter Consumption

The more you use, the more you pay.

District customers are billed by Denver Water using a three-tier structure. In this structure, your first tier is calculated using your monthly water consumption and the number of days in the billing period for bills dated in January, February and March — when water use is at its lowest. Water use during these months is primarily for essential indoor needs, like drinking, cooking and bathing.

This will be your household’s average winter consumption — or Tier 1 charge — until it is recalculated next year.

You can find it on your bill just above the “billing period” line.

For residential customers, the minimum allowance for the first tier is 5,000 gallons and the maximum is 15,000 gallons.

If your average winter consumption is …

  • Less than 5,000 gallons:
    • Your Tier 1 range is shown on the bill as 0-5.
    • You will only be charged for the amount of water used during that billing period.
  • Between 5,000 and 15,000 gallons:
    • Your Tier 1 range is 0 to your average winter consumption shown on your bill.
    • For example, if your average winter consumption is 7,000 gallons, your Tier 1 range is 0-7.
  • More than 15,000 gallons:
    • Your Tier 1 range is 0-15.


Information on understanding your bill can be found on Denver Water’s website, along with tips for conserving water indoors and out.

If you have questions about your water bill, contact Denver Water Customer Care at 303-893-2444.


Source: Denver Water