
2023-2032 Capital Master Plan

The Southwest Metropolitan Board of Directors approved the 2023-2032 Capital Master Plan (Plan) on September 23, 2022. The Plan allows the District to be proactive in addressing infrastructure needs by identifying, prioritizing and scheduling water and wastewater rehabilitation and replacement projects over the next ten years. The Plan identifies $1.45M in total capital expenses in 2023 and $10.7M over the next ten years. There is one water main replacement project scheduled for construction in 2023. Details on the project are as follows:

2023 Water Main Replacement

S. Santa Fe Drive – This project will replace 2,500 feet of 16″ cast iron pipe with 16″ PCV in S. Santa Fe Dr. from S. Wolhurst Dr. to a point south of the culvert crossing.

This project was scheduled at a cost of $1,375,570. This pipeline has experienced only one break in recent years. However, CDOT is widening Santa Fe Drive in the vicinity of this water main and will have a multi-year paving moratorium once the project is completed. This wouldn’t allow the project to remain in the original year for replacement (2025) so the decision was made to accelerate the project to 2023.

System modifications are prioritized so the facilities most in need of repair are replaced or rehabilitated in a appropriate timeframe. The goal is to minimize operation and repair expenses by avoiding costly unscheduled repair, replacement, and rehabilitation of deteriorating facilities. Most importantly, an aggressive capital rehabilitation and replacement program helps avoid system deterioration, disruption, and potential safety, health and property damage impacts.

The entire 2023-2032 Capital Master Plan is available for download or review on the District’s website under Construction Corner.